Important date to remember
Posted March 2019

In April, IRD will have a number of updates made to how WfFTC information is gathered. Due to these updates there will be changes to the days you receive your Working for Families Tax Credits (WfFTC).
Because we process payments overnight this will mean (WfFTC) payment days will change.
What this means for you:
From the end of April you will receive your Working for Families Tax Credit payments on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday.
As you receive your payments weekly, the first payment this applies to will be Tuesday 30 April which will be in your account Wednesday 1 May.
What you need to do:
Please check and update any automatic payments you have set up. Also, make sure any regular payments you make will not be affected by the day you receive your payment.
Even though the changes are happening next month, it would pay to check now to make sure you’re all set.