Health and money

Can you save money and be healthy?

Posted November 2015

news health

This time of year it's common to have two things on your mind... money for Christmas and feeling healthy for summer. Below are some great tips on how to tick off both in one go.

Save money while exercising... it’s a win-win!

Are you paying someone to do your housework, clean your windows, weed the garden or mow the lawns? Yes, it is time consuming and you probably invested in the help so you could have time to do other things. However, perhaps you’re thinking about it the wrong way… instead of a waste of time, look at it as a chance to get out, exercise and energise – while saving money!

Put the money you would usually spend on paying someone else into a savings account and use it to pay yourself! Even better, think how much six months’ worth would add up to? You could have a nice little nest egg for a rainy day.

It sounds simple right? But we all understand how this plan can easily go out the window. The trick is to plan your meals and include them in your weekly shopping. Also, change up the variety – if you’re bored with your lunches you're likely to go out and find something more exciting that is going to hurt both your wallet and your waistline.

Instead, take enough food with you each day so you’ve always got something on hand when you get hungry, in addition to your lunch take a couple of pieces of fruit and some sliced carrots/celery. Also, keep little snacks in your draw at work, things like crackers, nuts, raisins, tinned tuna or chicken. This way you’ve always got something ‘healthy’ on hand to snack on and you’re avoiding the temptation down the road.

Taking your lunch will save you money, you can easily spend $10 - $15 on one small meal or you could use that to buy ingredients for food that will last you all week. Left overs are great too, cook a little extra at night for you to take to work, most meals always taste better reheated the next day. Plus, your budget will thank you for it

Cook a bulk load of soups and casseroles to keep in the freezer, invest in some small containers so you can easily grab one out for dinner or lunch.

Food tends to be one of the biggest expenses we have, trying to reel it in through a bit of forward planning and by opting for healthier alternatives. Making your lunches will only have a positive effect on both your bank account and your health. 


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