How much of a deposit will I need to buy a home with a First Home Loan?

The deposit must be at least 5% of the purchase price, and meet the following criteria:

  • Deposit must be in the form of cash (this includes any KiwiSaver withdrawal).
  • The deposit cannot be borrowed.
  • A builder’s gift or vendor finance is not an acceptable form of deposit.
  • Deposit may be from a non-repayable gift, as detailed below.


Many Kiwis’ turn to the bank of Mum and Dad to build a deposit for their first home. However, your lender may not accept a fully gifted deposit. Most lenders will want to see that you have at least 5% of the total property price in savings. Gifting is a great way to build your deposit. After all, every bit helps. You'll need your gifter to sign a declaration as evidence that these funds do not need to be paid back.


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